Once you start seeking truth, it's hard to stop.

When I started my sobriety journey, it started with curiosity. I wanted to know if all of the things that I believed about alcohol held any truth to them. 


Along my journey, I uncovered that alcohol had lied to me. It wasn't the great connector. It wasn't a healer. It certainly wasn't helping me relax or cope. It wasn't the only way I could have fun.


To land on these truths, I had to do a ton of research. I got up close and personal with neuroscience and listened to tons of expert opinions on how alcohol affects our brains and bodies. 


But it was my personal experience with how I felt that solidified what was true. I felt better. I felt different. I felt at peace. I felt joy again. Parts of my life began to heal.


I had a church background and always believed that God was real. As I heard Toni J Collier say on a podcast recently, I was a fan not a follower. 


But in the spirit of uncovering truth, I have realised that the way to Jesus is similar to becoming sober. First we get curious- is this life all there is? What's the meaning in life? And then we start seeking was is true. 


Turns out- just like there is science and data to point to the truth about alcohol. There is historical evidence to point to the life, death, and yes, even resurrection of Jesus. A current hot topic on the BJDW community. 


But what has cemented my relationship with Jesus isn't just about physical proof. It's about the experience I have had in reconnecting with Him. Similarly to ditching alcohol, it's brought me peace, joy and healing. But in a way that I can only describe as divine. 


I'm not here to try to convince anyone of anything- but staying rooted in curiosity, staying open-minded, and seeking truth can be transformative. 


What are you curious about? Sobriety Jesus? What else?