I had made A LOT of decisions about what life without alcohol looked like.

I thought life without alcohol was going to be boring. 

I thought life without alcohol was going to leave me with fewer friends. 

I thought life without alcohol would mean I never got relax. 

I thought not having alcohol to lean on as a coping mechanism would be unbearable. 

But I was basing all of these thoughts on zero evidence- zilch- because I wasn't willing to try it properly. 

I was basing my beliefs on life with alcohol, with no understanding, knowledge, or experience about what life without alcohol could look like. 


I can tell you life's better. I can tell you my connections are deep, and my life is more full and purposeful than ever before- but I don't want you to take my word for it. 

I want you to try it for yourself. And if you need someone to cheerlead you on, I might be the coach for you! 

I would love you chat. xx