Empowered Women – Empower Women – That means not calling your girlfriend “boring” if she skips the drinks

Empowered Women Empower Women. It's one of the main quotes that gets posted on International Women's Day.


Do you know what doesn't empower us? (I bet you're going to get this one right.) Alcohol.


Alcohol got in my way. It made me tired and grumpy all the time. Without it I am stronger, more confident and have an overwhelming sense of joy and peace each day. I've been able to heal broken relationships, start a new business and overall up level my life.


But today, on International Women's Day I want to talk about how we empower OTHER women. Not just ourselves. I was speaking to a client yesterday morning who has one belief about alcohol that she can't shake- she believes she needs to drink in order to be part of her girl gang.


You know what the ultimate act of empowering another women is? Allowing her to say no if she doesn't want to drink. It's giving her a high-give and telling her your proud of the decision she has made for her health and for her family.


Let's eliminate telling other women that they are "boring" if they don't want to drink. Let's normalise saying no to alcohol and saying YES to actually empowering our precious girlfriends!


If we were all just a little more curious about our relationship with alcohol and supported each other in turning down the drinks- together we can create a society where women don't have to feel pressure to drink a toxic, carcinogenic substance in order to fit in and feel part of the girl group.


So I'm going to ask you to do something a little wild and crazy today. In honour of International Women's Day I want you to tag someone that you gave a hard time to about not drinking in the past, maybe it was years ago, maybe it was recently. I want you to tag her, tell her you love her and that you'll support her the next time she orders a mocktail.


Go on, be brave. Let's show each other what true support and empowerment really means.